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STRIDE Academy Wellness Policy Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders are informed about opportunities to participate in the development, review, update, and implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy through:

  1. School Website: Announcements and updates are posted online.
  2. Skyward and Messaging System: Direct notifications are sent to families and staff.
  3. Newsletters: Participation opportunities are shared in school newsletters.

For more information, contact the STRIDE Academy office at 320.230.5340


STRIDE Academy Local School Wellness Policy Assessment Notification

At STRIDE Academy, the results of the most recent assessment on the implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy are shared with the public through the following methods:

  1. School Website: The assessment results are published on the STRIDE Academy website under the "Wellness Policy" section for easy public access.

  2. Skyward Notifications: The Skyward Family Access system directly notifies families of the assessment results, ensuring timely communication.

  3. School Messaging System: Families also receive notifications via the STRIDE Academy messaging system, providing another layer of direct communication.

  4. Newsletters: The STRIDE Academy newsletters, sent digitally to all families, include a summary of the assessment results.

For questions or further information about the Local School Wellness Policy assessment, please get in touch with the STRIDE Academy office at 320.230.5340

First page of the PDF file: STRIDETriannualWellnessAssessment2024

Policy 533 Wellness

First page of the PDF file: 533092822CHARTER2

Policy 534 School Meals

First page of the PDF file: SABP534